So, I've been trying to figure out what to do with my life for a while. Admittedly, I'm not a writer. I haven't written for others to read since high school. So what makes me special you ask? Absolutely nothing. I am a 30-year-old mother of two beautiful daughters and a wife to a wonderful husband. I act as a taxi to many practices and rehearsals. I'm your every day mom. People ask me what I do in my free time and I say..what free time? Of course, I'm sure many of you do too. There are some things, that I think I do have to share. In my daily life, I do run across a few things that make life easier or more enjoyable. And if they make my life enjoyable, then maybe they will help you too.
Apps of the Week:
I love my church. I go to church for service purposes, at least twice a week. For purposes of involvement/ministry/outreach, that number increases to about 5 times aweek. I've reduced carrying my Bible around to a phone app, which I'm sure many people have. The app I prefer (I have a Droid) is the "Bible" app. It comes with the capability of posting to Twitter and Facebook (both of which I use a lot), taking notes, searching for live events in your area, reading plans, and my favorite part, it will switch bible versions. This is where my favorite part comes in, I have discovered the Message Bible version. For those of you who never thought they could read the Bible because it was hard to understand, you can understand this one! It puts the Bible in real-life terms. Incredible!
My second favorite Droid app of the week is All Recipes. You can tell this app what you want to cook for dinner, how long you want to cook it and it will spit out tons of recipes each with their own reviews. Talk about time saver! Instead of what should I cook tonight, it turns it into what shall I do with that chicken in my freezer tonight.
Shows of the week:
Pregnant in Heels - okay, I watched this show for the first time in between trips to practice this week. It was enthralling. For all of us everyday mothers that don't have time, money or energy to do half of what we do, this show make me appreciate it all. I'll leave it up to you to make your own judgements, but let's just say that if I were to be able to hire a focus group, it darn wouldn't be to decided what to name my child! Watch, and tell me what you think!
Burden of Proof - aside from the mandatory, "who-dun-it" portion of this show, the personal issues that Dana Delaney's character face are far more enthralling. We all have those moments when we don't know if our efforts at motherhood are in vain, but her struggle is real and makes this show worth watching.
Well, I hope you enjoy a couple of my likes this week. I have a lot of time to search things and have come to enjoy it. If there's something you're looking for, a website, movie, tv show, app, recipe, let me know. It'll give me something to do while I wait for my daughter to get out of practice.